Okay, these are definitely NOT in chronological order...I'm just not so good at the upload thing, yet. This is my Seeker Man, when he was 18 (ish), Scooter was his side-kick!
Scooter, one day old! February 1999
Scooter (3?) and Ginger (7?) our overgrown "sheltie"....she was so patient and calm with the children... Just NOT with fireworks...or thunderstorms...or smoke alarms....
Scooter and Tilly in the bike trailer...being used as a stroller. Spring of 2001
Tilly (aka Sweet Pea) looking too cute for words... Winter of 2005 ... (age four)
Scooter, aka Sweetie Pie...Just home from the hospital...a little yellow still, but that resolved...she sure loved to to be "bundled". That was the best time (I could still nap when she napped).
Scooter and Tilly helping to "paint" Christmas cookies. ( 2002)
Taking the girls out in the canoe on the Delaware Canal in Yardley, Pa. (Late Spring 2001)
Summer 2001...MacDougall & McGillicudhy in the pool. we figured out how to put warm water into the pool from the kitchen faucet...boy did we have fun in the yard that Summer!
Snorkie McTavish, one week old....such a cutie...He really did "snork" in his sleep! Winter 2005
Well, That was just the right way to spend the day before Mother's Day... It is amazing how quickly they grow and change, such fun to look through all the pictures. I think tomorrow will be "Home Movie Day" at our house! Blessings and Happy Mother's Day to all my Mom friends out there (family, friends and blog-buddies)
Return soon for the Ballet Recital Post...Three hour ballet version of Don Quixote tonight!I just have to find the pictures....Hmmmm.