Tilly is my most sensitive child.
She frightens easily,
takes offense readily...
PANICS regularly.
We decided to prepare her for her
First Holy Communion
this year anyway.
She Wanted to receive Jesus
she just worries...
Well, today, May 1, 2009
at the 7:15 am Mass,
with NO fanfare or fancy dress...
I am so absolutely proud of her.
It was hard
(maybe not as hard as the First Confession)
but, she went through with it.
I cried.
She is so sweet,
and now she has a better idea
of how Sweet Our Lord is too.
She plans to wear the fancy dress to Mass
on Sunday...our parish has a nice event
crowning the Blessed Mother
with all of the First Communicants in attendance.
We will have a party for her Sunday afternoon.