Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Year of Fun and Frustration

This Photo has nothing to do with this post,
except that I love it...and especially those in it!
(Scooter the shepherd, Tilly & Snorkie the sheep!)
Today is my ONE YEAR
This has been a really interesting year.
I started out reading other blogs,
then commenting, then felt compelled to start my own.
I had great plans...SO many ideas,
posts being composed in my head most hours of the day.
It got crazy.
I had a post idea that I still haven't written,
that took over my waking and sleeping time...
It was about Humility...
I still can't write it...Someday, maybe.
Our family has run the gammut
from serious illness and injury...
Happiness of conceiving, sadness of miscarrying...
Finally losing MOST of the weight that I need to...
the fun of Scooter becoming a really good reader & Tilly
Reading Dr Seuss to Snorkie on a regular basis.
I have gotten some organizing done around here...
but not nearly enough...
I've spent HOURS reading other blogs
that I don't even have on my blog roll because
I have NO TIME to update the silly thing!
I wanted to say deep and interesting things...
about my life, my history, my Faith...
and some funny ones, too...
Mostly I seem to post about the kids...
but that is good for the In-Laws out of state!
So all in all-
it has been fun.
I can't promise more posts,
or more interesting thoughts,
or even humor that doesn't come from Snorkie...
But I do promise to keep trying.
and I promise to get one of those "follow" buttons
on my blog one of these days!

Monday, April 13, 2009

He Is Risen!

We had a GLORIOUS Easter Mass...
Entering the church to the organ and brass
sounds of Beethoven's Ode to Joy...
Beautiful vestments, our parish's lovely
statue of the Risen Christ in it's honored position...
I am not afraid to say that I had a hard time
singing...I was so choked up...
His sacrifice
For Me...
Oh, how wonderful is the Holy Mass!
After Mass, we HAD to try to get our annual
Easter Picture...
We decided to close the dining room drapes
for a backdrop...every other square inch of my walls
has Stuff on it...that just does not work well
behind a family photo...
Of course on the first one (bottom)
we didn't think to pull the shades down...oops)
I think they came our fairly well...
I like the more candid one that hubby snapped
without being in it...maybe it's because
Snorkie was giving me a hug!

Now, we get to CELEBRATE Easter
for 50 more days!!!
(Snorkie reminded me today that we could
buy donuts, since Lent is over!)
Happy Easter Everyone!
He Is Risen, Indeed!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Holy Week & Fasting

Holy Week is upon us...
I have found myself in the position of having
to abandon the fasting that I had planned
and executed so far during Lent...
for various reasons...
I've decided to take a RADICAL step.
I'm FASTING from
It may well be more difficult than
giving up sweets, or coffee, or even limiting
myself to "fasting bread".
I know that I learn so much from so many
of you wonderful bloggers out there,
but I have to do it.
I will catch up with you all...
(my reader will be rediculously full)
after Easter Sunday!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

World's Shortest Fairy Tale

My Dad sent this to me a while ago...
those of you who read my
Very Short Fairy Tale post
might enjoy reading this one, too!

World's Shortest Fairy Tale...
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl
'Will you marry me?'
The girl said, 'NO!'
The guy lived happily ever after
and rode motorcycles and went fishing
and hunting and skiing
and played golf a lot
and drank beer and scotch
and left the toilet seat up
and farted whenever he wanted!

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